Both privacy and confidentiality are relevant aspects for TAC7. For this reason and according to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), by means of this Policy it is established the way how TAC7 processes personal information. This Privacy Policy intends to keep users of TAC7’s website ( informed about how their personal information is collected and processed by TAC7.

Please note that this Privacy Policy may change at any time due to any legal change or due to new implementation criteria set out by the Spanish Agency for Personal Data Protection (AEPD) or the competent authority in each case.

Who is the controller of the personal information processing

The information and details about the owner of this website and controller of the personal information processing are the following:

Controller: TAC7 ART CREATIVE, S.L. (hereinafter “TAC7”)
Tax ID # (CIF): B67970905
Email address:

Purposes of the personal information processing

  • To manage your queries and requests: to analyse and respond your queries and comply with your requests made through the application form in the website and to communicate with you in relation to such requests.
  • To comply with law: we will use your personal information every time we need it to comply with applicable laws in force at any time, which includes complying with information requests made by public authorities.

We do not process your personal information collected through this website for any other purpose different than those stated in this Private Policy.

Source and category of personal information processed

We specifically collect the following personal information through the website application form: full name, email, username, and password. Such information provides directly from the information provided directly by you.

Term of the processing

The personal information collected will be kept during the time necessary for the purposes they were collected and, afterwards, for the time necessary to comply with any potential legal obligation or request according to the laws and regulations in force.
Legal basis for the processing

These are the legal bases for the processing of the personal information we carry out:

  • The data subject’s consent (Article 6.1.(a) of GDPR)
  • Compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6.1.(c) of GDPR)
  • Legitimate interests pursued by the controller (Article 6.1.(f) of GDPR)

Recipients of the personal information

We do not send any personal information collected through this website or the Platform to any third party except when specifically requested by a public authority or it is an authorized recipient.

Assignment or international transfer of personal information

We do not share your personal information nor make international transfer of personal information in the sense stated at GDPR.

Exercise of the rights of the data subjects

Under the GDPR you have certain rights regarding your personal information. These are the actions you can ask us to take in relation to the personal information we hold about you:

  • Opt-out: you may request TAC7 to stop sending you communications which you have previously consented to receive.
  • Access: you may request to have access to the personal information about you that we process.
  • Rectification: you may request that your personal information is updated and that any mistake about it is rectified and corrected.
  • Erasure: you may request that your personal information which is inappropriate or excessive is eliminated.
  • Processing restriction: you may request that some restrictions to the processing of your personal information in the future are applied.
  • Portability: you may request a copy of the information that we hold about you.
  • Objection: you may object to the personal information processing on reliance on our legitimate interests that impacts your rights.

In case you want to exercise any of these rights you can address to TAC7 sending an email to indicating the specific right you want to exercise and attaching a copy of your national ID or passport. In addition, you have the right to ask the Spanish Agency of Personal Data Protection to enforce your rights.

Security measures

Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing of the personal information collected through this website or TAC7’s applications, as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, TAC7 has implemented the appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that processing is performed in accordance with GDPR. Those measures are updated every time it is necessary.

Amendments to this Privacy Policy

TAC7 reserves the right to modify, wholly or partially, this Private Policy without prior notice.

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